It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes MyBeeBear to potty train them!
Have you ever felt exhausted and overwhelmed by the potty training process? The gadgets to purchase (half of which go unused), the dilemma of switching fully to underwear and facing leaks and bedwetting accidents, or continuing with pull-ups at night (which can confuse your child and extend the training process)? If so, welcome to the club. These were exactly the questions my husband and I asked ourselves while potty training our two kids... And gosh, we were exhausted!That's why we created MyBeeBear - your favorite brand of potty training essentials. Our primary mission is to help parents potty train their kids in the most natural, efficient, and stress-free way.
The company began with the MyBeeBear Innovative Potty Training Underwear, made of 100% organic cotton. These combine the features of regular underwear with the ability to incorporate a diaper-grade pad without disrupting the overall potty training process. This was soon followed by our all-in-one Potty Training Academy Kit, which helps kids track their progress and earn rewards for their achievements (just like a real academy!).
More exciting and innovative products are on the way as we continually seek the best, eco-friendly, and cost-efficient solutions to support parents and children through the potty training journey.